
Full Bio:

Jill Lowe brings with her 13 years of experience in Manufacturing, Customer Service and Engineering Document Control. With a BA in Management Information Systems, Jill loves learning new technology and processes that help her stay current in the modern world. If you’re in need of a person who thinks outside the box, Jill is the kind of person who has never been able to see the box.

Outside of work you can typically find Jill with her husband and teenage son and daughter, camping, on their SUPs, or traveling the U.S. looking for things to add and then cross off their bucket list. On any given evening that there is a concert nearby (from Chris Tomlin to Metallica), you can pretty much guarantee that Jill and her husband will be enjoying an evening out.

get to know me:

Q: What is one of your favorite quotes?

A: "If all of the insects were to disappear from the earth, within 50 years all life on earth would end. If all human beings were to disappear within 50 years all the earth would flourish." - Peter Salk

Q: If you could have any super power what would it be and why?

A: If I had a superpower it would be that I'd like to be able to look at people and see a glow around those who have impacted or will have an impact on my life, whether or not I know it yet. I think you might be surprised how many people would glow.

Q: What movie or novel character do you most identify with?

A: My daughter said "Lorelai Gilmore because you're outgoing and love to harass your kids and husband." I'm blessed with a lot of love and laughter in our home.

Q: What new technology will transform the future?

A: I think Virtual Reality in the Medical Field will transform the future because it will help eliminate much of the guess work.

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

A: Wakanda....does that count? Ok, then I would choose the Giraffe Manor. I think Africa would be different from any experience I've had in life and I think having a Giraffe join you for breakfast would be amazing.

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